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Monday, June 13, 2011


Unit beruniform Pengakap KLM 24 dan Pandu Puteri Kadet Malaysia tahun 2011.

Walaupun saya tidak pilih untuk jadi PPKM dan sebaliknya agak 'terpaksa-rela' siikit pada awal-awal. Tp, sy baru sedar sesuatu yang boleh mengajar kita bukan hanya dari perkara yang siok-siok saja. Banyak perkara "kurang siok" yang sebanar-banarnya la.. menjadikan kita lebih matang..



Inilah gambar anjing yang saya paling suka bila buka google image > search. Ni anjing sangat.. kiut la mungkin. Macam mana saya boleh teringat pasal anjing? Sebab sekarang ini, tengah malam buta dan ada bunyi anjing melolong di saana jalan raya. Saya  tidak dapat tidur sebab terlebih tidur tadi petang selama 4 jam+. Lepas tu,perut saya sakit mau b***k... tp sy sangat takut mau pigi tandas.

Oh, pasal doggy, saya sangat mem-favret anjing. Suka yang amat sangat. Tp saya takut anjing juga. Begitulah hidup. Banyak yang kita suka, tapi yang kita suka itulah yang kita takut.

First of all

There's nothing much to share. I've heard that blogging is "dangerous". Indeed, yes. When there are too many things twisting in mind and we want to tell them to others without speaking a single word. Our fingers would dance hastily on the keyboard, and there it goes; we write more than what we are able to speak. Yet, that is what comfort means, feeling fine and free to tell. If I express my feeling through my mouth, up to certain point, I'm so scared that even the strongest friend will get bored hearing my endless mumbling, talking about nonsensical matters. In writing, I wouldn't expect people to read till they get bored. All I have to do is get into my world, write and leave without worries. Feel free to remind me if I write more than I should and I'll say an 'oops' [with my four fingers of my right hand covering my mouth] ... hahaha... :)

Anyway, It has been two years since my last post and I'm writing again because it is holiday! Don't misunderstood me. It is not because my holiday is boring but too inspiring, in a way that challenge me to be thankful of everything God has granted to me and for me to watch my talking habit. I'm in a wondering mode; Why do I really love talking and can I reduce 20% of number of words come out from my mouth in a day?